SMS Concast as company of the SMS group is your leading partner for continuous casting technology in steel making. In all areas such as consulting, engineering, commissioning, service and supply of spare parts and consumables, every employee combines outstanding expertise with commitment, openness and flexibility. SMS Concast supports plant operators along the whole equipment life cycle to achieve a competitive advantage in their markets.
News & Press

SMS group partners with Synhelion for pioneering industrial plant with state-of-the-art solar technology

Jiangsu Shagang Group (Huaigang) orders modernization from SMS Concast for their six-strand billet caster to enter…

Dragon Steel Corporation grants FAC to SMS Concast for the modernization of their six-strand billet caster

TMK Seversky installs CONDRIVE oscillation drives from SMS Concast on five-strand bloom caster

Nanjing Iron and Steel Group commissions upgraded continuous bloom caster from SMS Concast
Continuous casting machines from SMS Concast deliver benchmark-setting performance for any long steel product, from 85mm sq. billets up to 1000mm diameter blooms. Discover a selection of SMS Concast’s showcase references for continuous casting machines.
Solutions Overview
As leading partner for strategic equipment lifecycle management, SMS Concast helps steelmakers get the most out of their equipment throughout its entire lifecycle, from designing a new plant or casting line to optimizing operations, maintenance, consumables, spare parts and repairs, all the way through to innovative modernizations.
Caster Concepts
SMS Concast has been instrumental in developing continuous casting technologies and enjoys the leading technology and market position in this field worldwide for casting of billets, blooms and beam blanks.
Mold Solutions
SMS Concast has been designing molds since it introduced continuous casting to the steel industry in 1954. In 1991, our CONVEX Technology mold tubes boosted caster throughput by up to 30% over conventional molds. Since many years now, SMS Concast not only designs but also manufactures mold tubes tailored to your specific needs. We don’t outsource this critical parts, we produce them in-house.
Technological & digital solutions
Are you planning a new casting machine or do you want to introduce new steel grades, replace old equipment or upgrade existing systems? SMS Concast offers exceptional stand-alone products, be it technological or digital.
SMS Concast is the leader when it comes to questions concerning the process and technology of steel production. The company was founded in 1954 by Irving Rossi to build continuous casting machines and has also been building electric arc furnaces and secondary metallurgical plants for more than 15 years.